The job ad that will leave you speechless!

Here’s one for all the pilot’s wives out there … in fact, for all wives in the Middle East who have carved a career for themselves out here, or are currently working hard at the coal-face at home. It seems we’ve got our priorities all wrong! This is an actual job ad …

Bhahahaha! In case the type is too small to read: “Fly the world’s 5-star airline and give your wife even more to be proud of, like an exciting lifestyle with a choice of accommodation, shopping, dining and adventure in up-and-coming Doha …”

Bhahahaha! In case the type is too small to read: “Fly the world’s 5-star airline and give your wife even more to be proud of, like an exciting lifestyle with a choice of accommodation, shopping, dining and adventure in up-and-coming Doha …”

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